On watching online streaming KotlinConf 2018 Keynote, which I was expected to see only updates in terms of mobile apps, I become excited when I see they bring the multiplatform Kotlin/Native-1.3(Beta), which is really going to bring quite challenges to the mobile developers, Here some things which I am going explain in brief.
What're the Kotlin updates?
What're the Kotlin updates?
- 1.5+ million users as of October within 2years(Open source)
- Autoscaling backend for your mobile apps
- Write Kotline using your favorite JAVA framework and libraries
- Use fully-managed MySQL/PostgreSQL or Firebase for your application database
- Use IntelliJ with Google Cloud Tools Plugins to add Google Cloud API libraries and deploy to App Engine
Some of the top companies using the Kotlin
- Allegro Tech
- N 26
- American Express
- OLX Group
- Reduced the build time from 50sec to 36sec
- Multiplatform projects: iOS and Android
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