Wednesday, October 17, 2018

What's new in Kotlin 1.3 and Kotlin/Native multiplatform

On watching online streaming KotlinConf 2018 Keynote, which I was expected to see only updates in terms of mobile apps, I become excited when I see they bring the multiplatform Kotlin/Native-1.3(Beta), which is really going to bring quite challenges to the mobile developers, Here some things which I am going explain in brief.

What're the Kotlin updates?
  1. 1.5+ million users as of October within 2years(Open source)
  2. Autoscaling backend for your mobile apps
  3. Write Kotline using your favorite JAVA framework and libraries 
  4. Use fully-managed MySQL/PostgreSQL or Firebase for your application database
  5. Use IntelliJ with Google Cloud Tools Plugins to add Google Cloud API libraries and deploy to App Engine 
Some of the top companies using the Kotlin
  1. Allegro Tech
  2. N 26
  3. American Express
  4. OLX Group
What changes in Mobile apps?
  1. Reduced the build time from 50sec to 36sec
  2. Multiplatform projects: iOS and Android


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