How to migrate existing java files to Kotlin ?
Here are the steps
- Android Studio Menu -> Code -> Convert Java File to Kotlin FileHere is how the functions appears once you convert Java
- For Threads & Handler make sure you use inner classes instead function because Kotlin throw a warning saying handler leak,
- Here is the example code how to use the Handler and thread
var mIncomingHandler = Handler(IncomingHandlerCallback())
internal inner class IncomingHandlerCallback : Handler.Callback { override fun handleMessage(message: Message): Boolean { swipe_refresh_layout.isRefreshing = false if (message.what == GetCountryFactsThread.GETCOUNTRYFACTSTHREAD_SUCCESS) { val countryFactRespo = message.obj as String mCountryModel = ResponseManager.parseCountryFactsRespo(countryFactRespo) updateAdp(mCountryModel!!) } else if (message.what == GetCountryFactsThread.GETCOUNTRYFACTSTHREAD_FAIL) { //Write code handle if any session expiry showSnackBar(resources.getString(R.string.no_internet)) } return true } }
You can call it as below inside the onCreate method of activityGetCountryFactsThread(this, mIncomingHandler).start()
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