Thursday, May 10, 2018

Android Jetpack



Google has announced the Android Jetpack in May 2018  to accelerate the mobile app development.
Android Jetpack is the next generation of android components, with the help of support library.
backwards compatibility and immediate updates -- to a larger set of components, making it quick and easy to build robust, high quality apps.

What jetpack does
see the pic

Android Jetpack Components includes
  • Work Manager
  • Paging
  • Navigation
  • Slices

Android jetpack designed to work well with Kotlin, saving you even more code with Android KTX. 
Key area's of architecture component of jet pack

Each of these jetpack components is individually adaptable and they built to work well together.

Next is architecture component which is designed such way to resolve the developer pain point, some of them like lifecycle management, data persistence.

Three new architecture component is seen below image


Paging facilitates gradual on-demand data loading from local or network data source allowing apps to work with large datasets including support recycler view.

Navigation provides the framework to build app flows that compile with android design guidelines with proper behavior for up and back button.

 Support for
  1. Deep linking 
  2. Automated fragment transactions
  3. Overflow Menu
  4. Navigation Drawer
  5. Bottom Navigation show in above pic
This is combined with the powerful graphical editor included 
In Android studio Navigation allows us to visualize, design and test app navigation graph
shown below pic


Work Manager makes it easy to schedule one-off or periodic asynchronous tasks.
Tasks can executes in order, Parallel or even more configurations.

Its also easy to query for the state of tasks and constraints, such as requiring unneeded network or charging Perhaps most importantly work manager takes care of compatibility issues, so you know that no matter what platform the user is on tasks are scheduled efficiently and system wide health in mind 

shown pic below

UI layer includes 

  1. Animaton & transitions 
  2. Layout
  3. Emoji
  4. Fragments
  5. TV library 
  6. Wear library 
  7. Auto library  are now the part of Jetpack
    Shown pic below


Behavior includes support for evolving android areas 

  1. App notifications
  2. Permissions
  3. Sharing
  4. Slices

Jetpack adds supports Slices, which allows your app to exposed templatized pieces of itself  to integrate with other apps such as Google search and assistant
shown pic below

Foundation includes

  1. Appcompat 
  2. Libraries for automated testing 
  3. And new ANdroid KTX Kotlin extensions

    Which makes Android development with Kotlin more concise, idiomatic and modern

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