Wednesday, October 26, 2016

When to use Jave Thread and Android's Asynchronous task in android developement

For long-running or CPU-intensive tasks, there are basically two ways to do this: Java threads, and Android's native AsyncTask.
Use AsyncTask for:
  1. Simple network operations which do not require downloading a lot of data
  2. Disk-bound tasks that might take more than a few milliseconds
Use Java threads for:
  1. Network operations which involve moderate to large amounts of data (either uploading or downloading)
  2. High-CPU tasks which need to be run in the background
  3. Any task where you want to control the CPU usage relative to the GUI thread
And there are lot of good resources over internet which may help you:
Activity,services(Return Sticky not sticky redeliver intent),fragment communication,shared preference,Thread,AsyncTask getContext and getApplicationContext, Parcelable and Serialize and more basic. 

From java oops(in detail ) abstract class and interface difference between hash map and hash table, hash set ,string,Exception handling,and some more basic


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